Thursday, March 23, 2006

The Fifth Dimension..

First off, my BIG news for today is that my new washer and dryer arrived. My old one, which was here when I moved into my house (13 years ago) was old then, so its age was indeterminate. However, earlier in the week in finally (and somewhat spectacularly) gave up the ghost when it started leaking water everywhere. I called a local used appliance store to see if they would come pick it up. They said they would, but may have to charge me $30 if they couldn't use it for anything. Anyway, when they saw it they immediately went "Wow. THAT is old!" Of course, I had pay to have it removed. So, now I have a nice new front-loading washer - they are cool!

In other and odder news, this evening I was packing for my trip to AZ and opened my suitcase and found... my passport. The thing is, this little item has been missing for nigh on five months or so... since I arrived home from Nepal. I have been searching high and low for it, since I KNEW that it was in the house. The last time I had seen it, it was in my bedroom, so I knew it had to be there. That being said, I have turned the place upside down looking for it, to no avail. I KNOW that I have searched that suitcase at least five times looking for it. (I kept going through it just in case I missed something.) I have even searched inside the lining! So now, suddenly, I open up the suitcase and there it is (it was in a little money belt thing along with some Nepalese Rupees) sitting innocently there, staring up at me.

It's sudden appearance is kind of freaking me out actually. I know that I had searched that suitcase multiple times before and now it just appears there??? My question - into what bizarre dimension do these things disappear to that after a certain amount of time they just reappear?? I've had the same thing happen with socks and other articles of clothing. Very, very weird.

Sunday, March 05, 2006


I'm trying out the Flickr website to share some of my photos. Can you give this link a try, see what you can see, and give me your feedback? I've posted some Everest pics that I haven't posted before, so they're worth seeing too!!

Saturday, March 04, 2006

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