Thursday, June 09, 2005


I know, I know!! "Where's all my blog entries??" you ask. Well, no excuses - I've been alternately busy and lazy. Anyway, here's a link to some cool pics from the Jeep Jamboree I attended last weekend. It was great fun, even with the slight damage that I inflicted on my poor Liberty. There's no commentary there, but I may pick out a few pictures to put in a separate blog entry.

And no, I haven't forgotten about the rest of my Grand Canyon pictures! I sat down to do some blogging this evening and got distracted by phone calls, etc. Oh well, there's always this weekend!


At 2:20 AM, Blogger lifeonhold said...

It is so easy to 1) come up with things to post, and 2) become distracted. I have ideas that never got off the drawing board just because I haven't buckled down and focused my thoughts.

As for languishing blogs, we all seem to be taking it easy.

At 11:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Gary, I don't have your email address anymore, but I thought you might like to see pics from my GC trip. I haven't posted mine yet, can't get my scanner to work, but here is a link to the ones posted by my group.

Hope that works!

At 11:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Drat, the whole thing wouldn't copy. Here is the last part....


At 2:20 AM, Blogger lifeonhold said...

October 2nd, 2005
I was going to start nipping at your heals to get blogging again. Then I remembered that you're probably preparing for your Big Adventure.

Come back with pictures and a sherpa for me!

At 11:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Um, G? Where's my Sherpa?


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