I finished the painful Active Directory course yesterday, after a big delay in the start of the class. Turns out the instructor had to run off to fix a server in some legal firm that they do consulting for. So, we finally got going about 11:00 am. At least he bought us all lunch to make up for the delay. Luckily, the day was going to be short anyway, and we finished at 3:00. So, yay(!) the course is over. Now if I could just remember anything that was taught!
Here's a cool picture from a couple of years back on a hike in the White Mountains, NH on the King Ravine trail. This is part of the section called the "Subway" which is about 240 yds of going, between, under and over huge boulders. In some places it's pretty tight! There were places smaller than this, in fact you had to take your pack off and push it through in front of you.
You know, I don't have a lot of really close friends, but the ones I do have are great. I found this quote which pretty well sums it up..
"A friend might well be reckoned the masterpiece of nature." --Ralph Waldo Emerson
the definitive gForce blog site. Okay, it's the only one.
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