Well, today I was on the first day of a 5 day course on Microsoft Active Directory services and it was, uh, not exactly exciting. There was a lot of useful technical information there, but as a typical MS course, it wasn't presented in a way which really holds your interest. A lot of theory, very little hands on...
I thought I'd throw in another picture for all to see from my Oct. hike..
This is Ribbon Falls, just off the N. Kaibab Trail..
You can actually climb up behind the falls - this is a view from behind at the top of the falls...
Anyway, quote of the day (you may need to be a computer geek for this to make sense..):
"There are only 10 kinds of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who don't..."
the definitive gForce blog site. Okay, it's the only one.
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