Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Whither the Blog?

Wait a minute. I have a blog?? You woulda thought??!! Well, really, I know that I have been, uh, neglecting ye olde blog for quite a while now, but I decided that I should have a go at a post tonight.

As many of you probably know, it is now less than three weeks before I leave for my big trip to California and Arizona. I am REALLY looking forward to it, particularly the 4 day backpacking trip in the Grand Canyon.

However, in big(ger) news, some guys at work and I have finally gotten around to actually booking our trip to Nepal!! Yep, this October I will be trekking up the flanks of Everest. Don't feel bad, I'm sure it will be nothing special... HAHAHAHAHA. As if. I now still can't believe that we are actually going - it's like I'm in denial or something (even as as look at the printout of my flight itinerary as far as Hong Kong). Oh, and I'm going to Hong Kong!!! We get to spend a day (about 24hours) there on the way back.) That is just so cool.

The only thing that worries me a bit about the trip is the current political situation in Nepal, what with the Maoist insurgency and all. But, I've read quite a bit on the internet about how things are from the tourist point of view and it sounds like things are running as normal, with no problems. So, it sounds pretty good for that so far.

Interestingly, I actually feel more nervous about flying into the US than I am to Nepal - and the funny thing is I'm not worried about terrorism or anything, but rather the security people (especially at LAX). How sad is it that I'm more worried about that than the things that they are trying to prevent? I don't know, maybe it won't be so bad and you only hear the worst cases, but it does concern me a bit.

Anyway, I've got some interesting travel scheduled for this year - should be fun!


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